I genuinely love working for Family Court. Whether it was as an attorney, representing clients, or as a magistrate, hearing and deciding cases. Developing a legal career serving Stark County families has allowed me to grow into a fair, just, and empathetic hearing officer. The logical next step on my career path is to continue to serve Stark County through a judicial leadership role as a Family Court Judge.
Like many of the families and children that come before the court, I have experienced the hardship of trauma, living in poverty, and struggling day to day to make ends meet. I have experienced a marriage break up, and the need to put differences aside to best co-parent a child. I am in a second marriage and have blended families. And, while these experiences do not affect my judicial decisions, or how I apply the law to the facts of a case, they have helped me to develop a respect, empathy, and compassion for those who come before me.
Because a Family Court Judge has such incredible influence over the future of families, it is imperative that a judge possess a deep understanding of family law before calling his/her first case. I have years of experience deciding cases for Family Court and have developed a reputation for being knowledgeable of the law.
A Family Court Judge must possess a fair, firm, and compassionate judicial temperament. The temperament of the judge, and the ability to mutually respect everyone, is critical to maintaining a fair approach to hearing cases, and ultimately, making decisions.
My personal and professional growth have afforded me with both, family law knowledge, and the proper judicial temperament necessary to be a judge for Stark County Family Court.
I know what it takes to be a judicial leader, I have developed the necessary skills, and it is now time for me to serve Stark County as a Family Court Judge.
Why am I Running for Family Court Judge?
I am the only candidate that has presided over, issued orders, and rendered decisions, in all case types heard in Family Court.I have handled well over 10,000 cases since becoming a magistrate. I am the only candidate that has judicial experience running a courtroom, taking testimony and evidence, and applying law to the facts presented to the court. I am the only candidate with an understanding of the administrative and financial operations of the Family Court.
As an attorney I have handled thousands of hearings in Family Court. I remember all too well what it is like to manage a private practice. Dividing your time between courts, hustling to obtain clients, and making deadlines and hearings. This knowledge serves me well in understanding the many demands placed upon legal counsel representing clients in Family Court.
My work ethic is hard to match. My upbringing has taught me perseverance. I have worked hard for where I am today, building my professional career through dedication, commitment, and the desire for continuous learning.
My experience with Family Court has taught me the importance of understanding community needs. Court programming must be flexible to ensure it is meeting the present day needs of the community. The only way this court can be present for the community is by studying its data. Anecdotal evidence gives you only what is in front of you, statistical evidence tells you where the need is. It is vital for judicial leadership to ensure data is collected in a manner that defines the needs of the children and families we serve.
For over 16 years it has been my greatest honor, and privilege, to serve the families of Stark County, as an attorney at the Public Defender Office, as an attorney with the CSEA, as a Family Court Magistrate, and presently as Family Court’s Chief Magistrate.
I want to continue that service, as Judge, and will do so with your support, and your vote.
Why Do I Deserve your Vote?
What is a magistrate?
A magistrate, according to Webster’s dictionary, is a civil officer charged with the administration of the law. In Ohio, a magistrate is appointed by the court under Civil Rule 53, Juvenile Rule 40, Criminal Rule 19, Traffic Rule 14, and Superintendence Rule 19 (A). At time of appointment, a magistrate must have been engaged in the practice of law for at least four years and be in good standing with the Supreme Court of Ohio. Like judges, magistrates must take an oath of office, are held to the same judicial code of conduct, and must obtain the same continuing legal education requirements.
In Stark County Family Court, a magistrate presides over both oral argument and full trail, Domestic Relations and Juvenile hearings. The magistrate hears and rules on various motions, including, but not limited to, discovery issues, admissibility issues, evidentiary objections, competency of both witness(es), and of youth facing delinquency or status offenses. The magistrate is responsible to issue interim orders and render final decisions in the areas of divorce, dissolution, post-decree modifications, domestic violence civil protection order cases, allocation of parental rights, child support, paternity, child protective case (abuse, neglect, dependency), juvenile delinquency, juvenile offenses, and juvenile traffic.
The Chief Magistrate is additionally responsible for direct supervision of the Magistrates and the Magistrates’ Secretary, the Assignment Commissioners, and the Mediation & Supervised Visitation Coordinator, as well as the magistrates’ schedule for docket coverage. The Chief Magistrate also attends all administration/Judge weekly meetings to present on issues related the Magistrates.
What does Family Court Do?
Stark County Family Court manages the Domestic Relations and the Juvenile Divisions of the Court of Common Pleas. The Domestic Relations Division hears issues including, but not limited to, dissolution, divorce, property division, spousal support, child custody, parenting time, child support, paternity, domestic violence/dating violence civil protection orders, and contempt cases. The Juvenile Division hears issues including, but not limited to, juvenile delinquencies/status offenses, traffic, custody, parenting time, paternity, child support, grandparent/third party custody and visitation, and cases involving Department of Job and Family Services Child Protective Services (Dependency/ Neglect/ Abuse), juvenile civil protection orders, and contempt cases.